CPNRI, RIPIN issue joint statement on DOJ, EOHHS settlement for services for children with disabilities

The Rhode Island Parent Information Network (RIPIN) and the Community Provider Network of
Rhode Island (CPNRI) are releasing a joint statement on Wednesday’s settlement between the
U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the R.I. Executive Office of Health and Human Services

“We applaud the DOJ’s decision to investigate the State’s failure to meet its obligations to
provide services and support for thousands of children with disabilities in Rhode Island. We are
concerned, however, that the State cannot possibly meet its obligations outlined in the
settlement agreement announced on Wednesday, May 18.

“The State relies on nonprofit organizations to provide services and support to children with
disabilities as required by federal and state law. Decades of underfunding have led to the types
of failures now attracting the DOJ’s attention. The State’s contracted service providers simply
do not have the capacity to help the State do what it has promised to the DOJ. Without making
significant investments in the systems that children with disabilities rely upon, the State will not
be able to comply with the terms of this settlement. That will leave the State at continued risk of
DOJ intervention while also continuing to leave children and families without critical services.

“The State has a nearly $900 million surplus and over $1 billion in federal aid to tackle this
problem—now is the time to make long-needed investments that will allow providers to recruit
and retain high-quality staff to meet our children’s needs