RIPIN Family Voices

RIPIN Family Voices

Family-to-Family Health Information Center

RIPIN Family Voices supports families that are caring for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN) and the professionals who serve them. Our goal is to help strengthen the partnership of families and providers through information, mentoring, and advocacy. We work to help families achieve a medical home of coordinated care.

We provide:

  • Resources – where caregivers can find tracking and monitoring tools for care coordination
  • Training – We offer free workshops, on topics relevant to advocacy and special health care needs.
  • Peer Support – We can help your family navigate the health, education, and community-based resources available to those with special needs.
  • A Monthly Peer Group – Where caregivers that are supporting those with different abilities can connect with other families and engage in an informational discussion on a variety of topics relevant to special health care needs.
  • Serve on a variety of work groups, committees, and advisory boards that inform the health and education systems in Rhode Island
  • Amplify the “Family Voice” to educate professionals and policymakers about the consumer’s experience within the complex systems of care that serve those with disabilities.

Upcoming Workshops

Stay tuned for our 2025 calendar!

Download the flyer.

Helpful links:

We welcome new members to our peer support groups. Join us by contacting our Family Voices program at [email protected]

RIPIN is the Family Voices Affiliate Organization for the state of Rhode Island. To learn more about the national initiatives of the National Family Voices, please visit the Family Voices website: