How To Build Resilience

How To Build Resilience

Resilience is “the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties” and is a skill that can be learned. A Resilient person has 6 traits:

  1. A belief that everything is figure-out-able
  2. They build a team, they reach out for support, they ask for help
  3. Skills to tolerate uncomfortable emotions
  4. They focus on what they can control
  5. Be flexible and try new things
  6. Laugh

In the video How to be More Resilient – 6 Traits of Resilient People, Emma McAdam talks about these 6 traits and teaches about grit* with examples of developing a strong mindset.

*Grit is a positive, non-cognitive trait based on a person’s perseverance of effort combined with their passion for a particular long-term goal or end state. This perseverance of effort helps people overcome obstacles or challenges to accomplishment and drives people to achieve.