BIP – What is a Behavior Intervention Plan?

July 28, 2023 12:07 pm

Most kids get in trouble now and then at school. But when they act out over and over again, it can be hard for them (and their classmates) to learn. To help a student behave, a school may put in place a behavior intervention plan. (You may also hear it called a positive behavior intervention plan.)

A BIP is a formal, written plan that teaches and rewards good behavior. Behavior intervention plans (or BIPs) aim to prevent behavior that gets in the way of learning.

For more information about Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP) please visit

FBA – What is a Functional Behavioral Assessment?

July 28, 2023 11:55 am

When students run into trouble at school, it’s not always because of academics. Often, behavior is the reason kids struggle. Kids may disrupt class, become withdrawn, or even cut class. 

Functional behavioral assessment (FBA) is a process schools use to figure out what’s causing challenging behavior. An FBA leads to a plan with strategies to improve the behavior.

For more information about Functional Behavioral Assessments (FBA), please visit

Emotional Crisis Hotline – Kids’ Link RI

December 11, 2019 4:55 pm

Kids’ Link RI™ is a hotline for children in emotional crisis. A program offered in collaboration with Gateway Healthcare, Lifespan, Hasbro Children’s Hospital, and Bradley Hospital, Kids’ Link RI is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for children suffering from behavioral problems or psychiatric illness.​

For more information, click HERE – Kids’ Link RI

Behavior Assessments Commonly Used in Education

December 10, 2019 11:04 am

Behavior assessments are different from tests that screen for learning differences. They don’t have right or wrong answers. Instead, they look at how kids interact with their world. These assessments can identify behavior patterns as well as reasons for the behavior. Often parents, teachers, and others are asked to observe the kids and answer questions about them.

Commonly Used Behavior Assessments

Tantrums, Tears, and Tempers: Behavior is Communication

April 5, 2018 10:10 am

What’s really going on when a child throws a tantrum at a store or cries incessantly before bedtime? Most likely, the child is trying to express something that he or she can’t say in words. In the first case, it might mean the child wants a candy bar or toy. In the second, it might mean the child is afraid of the dark. For young children, behavior is communication that’s used to meet needs. It’s how they let you know they either
want something or want to avoid something.

Here are some questions you can consider asking about your child’s challenging behaviors. For more information, click HERE.