Communicating with Your Child’s School-Steps to Success

December 14, 2022 4:05 pm

CADRE (The Center for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education)

If you have a child who is receiving special education services, you’re more than likely to be very
involved with your child’s school and teachers — including planning, reviewing, and assessing your
child’s educational program. Over time, you will learn a lot about the special education process and how
to communicate and negotiate on your child’s behalf. While your knowledge, skill, and confidence will
naturally increase, there are some specific communication skills that can help you be most successful
in developing and maintaining a strong partnership with your child’s school. We hope these “Steps to
Success – Communicating with Your Child’s School”
will be particularly helpful to parents who are new to the special education process.

Click HERE to find this resource in 13 different languages and includes important information for families.