WEBINAR – How to Use Family Engagement Educator Toolkit

January 19, 2021 4:20 pm

In collaboration with the Rhode Island Department of Education and the Rhode Island Intensive Math Intervention Project funded by RIDE, this toolkit is intended to provide educators resources and tips to be shared with families of children who receive Intensive Intervention. The toolkit includes questions parents and families might want to ask school teams to learn more, and tips for parents in supporting their child who is receiving Intensive Intervention. These resources should not replace ongoing communication between schools, and parents and families.  Our hope is to provide an overview of resources in order that parents become informed collaborators at their child’s schools.

Click here for WEBINAR

Intervención Intensiva – Consejos Para Familias

January 9, 2020 3:38 pm

¿Su hijo está luchando con desafíos académicos o de comportamiento? ¿Ha progresado lentamente? ¿Ha notado que su hijo no está cumpliendo con los objetivos del programa de educación individualizado (IEP, por sus sigras en inglés)? La intervención intensiva puede ayudar. Con una intervención intensiva, el maestro de su hijo usa datos para determinar CUÁNDO y CÓMO se puede cambiar los apoyos para satisfacer mejor las necesidades individuales de su hijo. Aquí hay algunos consejos para ayudarlo a comenzar


Educator Strategies to Engage Families of Students with Intensive Needs

June 19, 2019 2:25 pm

Lindsay E. Jones is the President and CEO of the National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD), a national nonprofit organization that seeks to improve the lives of the 1 in 5 individuals with learning disabilities and attention issues. In this short 7-minute video, Lindsay shares simple tips and approaches for engaging families of students with intensive needs.

Strategies educators can use to support partnering with families of students with intensive needs


Intensive Intervention – A Practitioner’s Guide for Communicating with Parents and Families

June 19, 2019 2:13 pm

For children with the most severe and persistent academic and/or behavioral challenges, parent and family involvement is vital. Student outcome data suggest that our current educational system does not adequately prepare students with the most intensive needs, particularly students with disabilities, for the world of college and work. Although the performance of some students with disabilities has improved during the past two decades, these students continue to fall behind their peers in reading and math and are more likely to experience discipline problems at school than their peers. The use of intensive intervention is one way that schools can use to improve outcomes for students, including students with disabilities.

School teams can use this guide to better understand intensive intervention and how to engage parents and families with the process. The language and examples throughout this guide are summarized versions of more comprehensive content related to intensive intervention and data-based individualization (DBI) available through the National Center on Intensive Intervention (NCII).

A Practitioner’s Guide for Communicating with Parents and Families

How Can You Support Intensive Intervention? TIPS FOR FAMILIES

June 19, 2019 12:05 pm

Is your child struggling with academic or behavioral challenges? Are you a parent or family member who is interested in understanding more about intensive intervention and how to get involved? Are you an educator providing intensive intervention who would like to help parents and families understand the support their child is receiving and how they can engage in the process? This infographic, developed in collaboration with the National Center on Intensive Intervention (NCII), provides tips to help families get started with intensive intervention.



Intensive Intervention: Questions Parents and Families Can Ask

June 19, 2019 11:58 am

Are you a parent or family member who is interested in understanding more about intensive intervention and how to get involved? Are you an educator providing intensive intervention who would like to help parents and families understand the support their child is receiving and how they can engage in the process? This infographic, developed in collaboration with the National Center on Intensive Intervention (NCII), provides questions to ask school teams who are providing intensive intervention.

