RIPIN’s 2024 Legislative Agenda

At RIPIN, we envision a Rhode Island where systems work for the people who rely on them, driving improved and more equitable outcomes.
Part of our mission is to bring the voices of the communities we serve to the Rhode Island General Assembly and advocate for person-centered and family-centered systems change. We are excited to share our 2024 legislative agenda, which focuses on improving parental engagement in special education, increasing Medicaid funding for community-based social and human services, and expanding Medicare Savings Programs for older adults.
RIPIN’s 2024 legislative priorities:
Parental Engagement in the IEP Process H7721 (Kislak), S2526 (DiMario)
RIPIN supports legislation for improved parental engagement in the IEP process, including timely provision of documents, parental rights to observe proposed placements, and requiring written consent for IEP changes.
Necessary Investments in Social and Human Services Governor’s FY25 Budget
RIPIN advocates for full rate increases recommended by OHIC to address serious access challenges caused by low rates for community-based social and human services in the FY25 budget.
Expanding Access to Medicare Savings Programs H7333 (Alzate), S2399 (Cano)
RIPIN backs legislation to raise income limits and eliminate asset tests for Medicare Savings Programs, helping approximately 17,000 low-income seniors in Rhode Island afford health care, prescriptions, and other necessities.
Help Seniors Discharge Home from Hospital H-7597 (Tanzi) and S-2577 (DiPalma)
RIPIN’s Hospital Care Transitions Initiative (HCTI) helps high-risk older patients successfully discharge to home after a hospital stay, meeting patient preferences and saving State funds. The program, which embeds community health workers into hospital discharge teams, has a success rate of over 75%. Funding for HCTI is recommended for FY2025 and beyond.