K-12 Special Education Webinars
Basic Rights in Special Education (series) A five-part series outlining parents’ rights and responsibilities and the laws that affect special education in Rhode Island.
Part 1 – Referral Process
Part 2 – Evaluation Process
Part 3 – IEP Process
Part 4 – Procedural Safeguards
Part 5 – Dispute Resolution

Bullying and Harassment of Students with Disabilities Studies show that bullying can negatively affect a child’s education. Children with disabilities are two to three times more likely to be bullied ~ 60% of them report being bullied regularly, compared to 25% of the general student population. Join us as we discuss what parents can do when they suspect bullying of their child with a disability. Ver en español.

Family Guide to Multi-Tiered System of Support Learn about the RI MTSS process.
IEPs vs 504 Plans: What’s the Difference? This webinar will cover: Overview of IEPs and 504 Plans: Learn the differences and purposes of these essential tools. Legal Framework: Understand the laws that protect your child’s right to an appropriate education. Eligibility and Evaluation: Discover how eligibility is determined and what the evaluation process involves. Development and Implementation: Get insights into how these plans are developed and carried out.

IEP Blueprint: Preschool and Elementary IEPs can be daunting to parents entering special education for the first time. In this webinar we go over parental consent for your child to receive special education, the major parts of the individualized education plan including goals, and we answer audience questions as we go along.

IEP Blueprint: Secondary Transition An overview of the major components of the IEP as well as a step-by-step walk through of Rhode Island’s IEP form. Also covers the secondary transition IEP for students age 14 and older which includes post-school goals in areas of employment, education, training, and when appropriate independent living skills. Ver en español. See more Transition to Adulthood webinars.

Parental Rights In RI’s Special Education System Learn more about special education and the basic rights afforded to Rhode Island parents. This brief overview will walk through the process from referral to dispute resolution for students with disabilities.

Section 504 video series Learn how Section 504 pertains to children with disabilities and how some students may qualify for additional supports and accommodations in public schools. Ver en español.
Part 1: A Brief Overview of Section 504
Part 2: IEPs vs Section 504 Plans: What Are Key Differences?
Part 3: Do You Suspect Your Child Has a Disability?
Part 4: When Families and Schools Disagree

Skills for Effective Parent Advocacy Learn skills and strategies that can help parents to communicate more effectively with educators in resolving disagreements and understanding their rights and responsibilities as it relates to the needs of their child.
Special Education Local Advisory Committees

Advocacy In Action: A Guide to Local Special Education Parent Advisory Committees RIPIN presents an overview to special education directors, parent leaders, and others with an interest in parent engagement at the local level. The very teamwork and collaboration that are at the core of IDEA are also at the core of a best practice in special education (Local Special Education Parent Advisory Councils). This presentation includes a walkthrough of the national guidebook, Advocacy in Action: A Guide to Local Special Education Parent Advisory Councils and includes tips on engaging parents on system change through Rhode Island’s Special Education Local Advisory Committees.