Transition to Adulthood for Students with Disabilities Webinars

A 6-Minute Overview of RI’s Division of Developmental Disabilities Susan Hayward, Administrator of Transition Services of the Rhode Island Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities, and Hospitals, talks about the services available through the Division of Developmental Disabilities, such as supported employment and community resources. Ver en español.
Customized Employment: New opportunities for adults with disabilities A panel discussion with participants in a new Person-Centered Supported Employment Performance Program (PCSEPP). Learn about an innovative new approach to employment planning and job development—one person at a time, one employer at a time—that is allowing more people with disabilities to become contributing members of today’s workforce.

IEP Blueprint: Secondary Transition An overview of the major components of the IEP as well as a step-by-step walk through of Rhode Island’s IEP form. Also covers the secondary transition IEP for students age 14 and older which includes post-school goals in areas of employment, education, training, and when appropriate independent living skills.

Pathways to Adult Services: Transitioning Out of High School For families of students with IEPs transitioning out of high school. An overview of supports for adults (i.e. Social Security, Medicaid, Healthcare Transition, Supported Decision Making, etc.) and options that will help you make informed decisions as your child enters adulthood.

Pathways to Adult Services: Developmental Disabilities Process An overview of Rhode Island’s developmental disability service system of care. Walks through the processes of applying for adult services, including the application, documentation, eligibility determination, and timelines.

Applying for RI’s BHDDH Services An overview of the application process for services with the Rhode Island Division of Developmental Disabilities, part of the state’s Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities, and Hospitals.

ABLE Act and ABLE Accounts Learn about tax-advantaged savings accounts for individuals with disabilities and their families. Presented by the Rhode Island Developmental Disabilities Council.

Real Talk About Work (Part 1) You can find success in the workforce! Hear from adults with differing abilities who will share the stories of how they got hired and the supports they received along the way.

Real Talk About Work (Part 2) Hear from parents and siblings of adults with differing abilities who are working. What were the challenges and fears? What valuable lessons did they learn?

Rhode Island Medicaid Options Many of RI’s children have some form of Medicaid. As children transition to adulthood, see what options are available to ensure that they maintain health coverage. Presented by the Rhode Island Executive Office of Health & Human Services and RIPIN.

Self-Directed Supports Information on Self-Directed Support options for adults with developmental disabilities. Presented by the Paul V. Sherlock Center on Disabilities.
Supported Decision Making and Alternatives to Guardianship Once a child turns eighteen (18) years of age, he or she is presumed to be an adult capable of making decisions. This workshop is presented by RI Developmental Disabilities Council and Disability Rights Rhode Island and will discuss the many questions families of individuals with disabilities have as they approach this decision together.

Youth and Employment: It Works! Information on Supplemental Security Income and employment incentives. Presented by the Paul V. Sherlock Center on Disabilities.
Transition to Adulthood Parent Conference 2020

Oficina de Servicios de Rehabilitación: “Somos sus Especialistas en Empleo” Una descripción general del Programa de transición de Oficina de Servicios de Rehabilitación (ORS) que explica el proceso de remisión, los servicios de transición previos al empleo, la solicitud de rehabilitacion vocacional y los servicios de rehabilitacion vocacional adicionales que conducen a resultados laborales exitosos.

Self-Determination and Person-Centered Planning with Ken Renaud, RIFORCE.

Independent Living with Therese Curran, West Bay Regional Transition Center and Joanne Del Angelo, East Bay Regional Transition Center.

Community Participation with Kiernan O’Donnell, John E. Fogarty Center and Susan Hayward, RI Department of Behavioral Health, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals (BHDDH).

Post-Secondary Education and Training with Kerri Collins, Southern Regional Transition Center and Keri Rossi-D’entremont, RI College Disabilities Services.

Employment with Jennifer Doucette, Northern Regional Transition Center; Joanne Del Angelo, East Bay Regional Transition Center, and Barbara Mulligan, Office of Rehabilitation Services (ORS).